
At IMA Solutions we provide services to the legal community through lawyers, paralegals, legal assistants and law clerks.

Whether tort, property and casualty, life and health, medical malpractice and standard of care, and plaintiff or defense counsel, IMA Solutions provides unbiased medical reports across the entire Medical Legal spectrum.


An Independent Medical Evaluation / Assessment is an objective, physical exam conducted by a physician or allied healthcare professional. In complex cases, a multi-specialty physician may be assigned to the case. The purpose of the exam is to determine the nature and extent of an injury. The findings of the examination are documented in a formal written report that address specific questions associated with the diagnosis and treatment.

Combined Assessment

A combined assessment offers a dual medical exam to assist in cases where causation and/or work capacity issues are present. This assessment involves a medical expert (Occupational Physician, Physiatrist, Neurologist) and a functional testing clinician who collaborate in order to prepare one cohesive report. The assessment begins with an examination and interview by the medical expert who will discuss preliminary findings with the functional testing clinician to determine the appropriate functional tests are completed. A  functional exam is administered  by the functional testing clinician who will compile the raw data and provide it to the medical expert to interpret. The final written report contains an opinion by the medical expert and the statistics from the functional testing, offering a comprehensive report with details on diagnoses, treatment, functional abilities and limitations to ascertain work capacity status for employability.

FAE / FCE (Functional Abilities Evaluation / Functional Capacity Evaluation)

A Functional Capacity Evaluation assesses an examinee’s capabilities, limitations, motivational status, and reliability of effort based on accepted testing protocols, and is typically performed by an Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist or Kinesiologist. The testing protocols for an FCE are designed to determine the examinee’s functional abilities and limitations in order ascertain functional status for employability. The findings of the evaluation are contained in the FCE report.

Cost of Future Care Assessment 

Cost of Future Care Assessment or Life Care Plan is a comprehensive report that details current and future needs and financial requirements for individuals with a catastrophic injury or chronic health care needs. The assessment includes a review of medical information; interview in the home environment; consultation with health professionals and family members; data analysis and research to understand the extent of injury and disability; and how it impacts on the individual’s daily life.

Medical Records Review/File Review (Including assistance with cross-examination)

Medical Records Review determines the reasonableness and appropriateness of the medical care rendered; medical necessity of care; and causal relationships. The paper-based review, conducted by a physician with the appropriate specialty and training, examines a previous diagnostic report, and is an economical way to determine if a claimant’s condition is properly documented, diagnosed, and understood. The Medical Records Review report can assist in fair claims resolution.

Neuropsychological Assessment (In person or virtual)

Physicians assess visio-spatial functions to rate impairments in visual perception and constructional abilities. Certified medical professionals provide a detailed opinion about an examinee’s cognitive functions based on Effort Testing. Additionally, a determination of overall perception is conducted regarding the examinees processing of sensory information. Neuropsychological Assessments cover areas such as: memory, reasoning, attention, concentration, problem solving and the speed in which the examinee is able to process information.